Rising Stars At Central Columbia High School

Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) are an important entity to agricultural education. As I mentioned in previous blogs a true agricultural education program is comprised of three very important components; Classroom/ laboratory instruction, FFA, and SAE. SAEs are programs created by students to explore their interests in a specific agricultural area. These programs allow for a hands, on real world experience, while developing life skills. Students can choose one of six different SAE areas to develop their program around.“An SAE is a catalyst for personal growth, career development, and responsible citizenship that leads to individual, group and societal benefits not possible through formal education alone” (“Jig Saw.”2005) SAE is truly a unique aspect of agricultural education, allowing students be creative and cultivate their own learning.

Students at Central Columbia High School in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania are doing just that, developing programs that are pushing them outside their comfort zones, while exploring career opportunities. Students within the agricultural program at Central Columbia High School can be enrolled into the one credit "SAE" course. With the help of their advisers Mr. Curt Turner and Mr. Doug Brown each student will develop their own unique program based around their interest. Through this course students are required to keep up to date records on AET about their program. In addition, Mr. Turner and Mr. Brown complete SAE visits to ensure students are maximizing their potential in their program. After being evaluated each student will receive a pass or fail grade based on their level of completeness and their ability to show growth in the program. 

I had the pleasure of attending the EOS Therapeutic Riding Center's 25th anniversary where Hailey Morris is completing her SAE. Hailey is completing an unpaid placement SAE at the center, this means she is employed by the center but is not paid. Taking time to speak with Hailey she shared her love for equine and it was evident that she loved helping the riders in whatever way she could. Hailey's duties currently consist of taking care of the horses and completing whatever needs done. She has a goal of one day becoming trained to help the individual riders at the center.  As an individual Hailey's SAE program has helped her become more self confident while also doing something she enjoys. 

Fish's Worms- Let's Bait Your Hook is the name of Mackenzie Fish's entrepreneurship SAE. Her SAE that once started as a hobby has turned into a pretty awesome business. Mackenzie is an avid outdoors man who enjoys hunting and fishing. It was her love of fishing that sparked her interest in worms in the first place. Mackenzie along with her brother and father began raising worms as a hobby and since then has grown into so much more.She shared with me that it took many trial an errors before developing new skills related to understanding moisture levels and food intake needed for the worms to survive. She is currently raising the worms and packaging them at home. She developed her own marketing materials from stickers for the containers, to t-shirts, and even business cards. Mackenzie is currently selling her worms at the local Nescopeck Agway.  

It's the the same Nescopeck Agway where Cody Lehman has completed his paid-placement SAE for the past 3 years. Cody got started at the job because it is a family owned business. Cody has an evident love for agriculture and there's no better way to connect with members of the agricultural community than through his SAE at the local Agway. His job consists of many different tasks, revolving around whatever needs done. He excels at customer service as you can see in these pictures. 

Jig Saw Materials- Why have SAE? Retrieved August 23, 2017 [PDF]. (2005)


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