We Are Family (Northern Region PAAE Meeting)

Image result for PAAEI have always thought about Agriculture Education and everyone involved in it as one BIG family. We continuously connect with other agriculture teachers from across the country and click with them as we all have a common interest of having a passion for teaching the next generation of youth from all corners of the country. We all work together to make agricultural education the best that it possibly can be for our students. One way we go about doing this is through both state and national associations of agricultural educators. In Pennsylvania we specific refer to our organization at Pennsylvania Association of Agricultural Educations or PAAE. I have found a home in being a part of this association knowing that I will always have mentors to rely on for guidance.

Image result for ffaThis family began long ago as I began to make connections with agriculture teachers in my home county and in my region. It was refreshing that one of our assignments was to attend the regional PAAE meeting with our Cooperating Teacher. For me this meant returning home to the Northern Region and reconnecting with agriculture teachers who ignited my passion for agricultural education in the first place.

While the spring meeting felt like attending a family reunion we did indeed spend time discussing important matters that pertained to our state and furthermore our students. I was pleased by some of the recent changes made to the Pennsylvania State FFA Association as they were much needed. While I heard the new chaplain's part in opening ceremonies multiple times since mid-winter convention in December it was great to hear the official adaptation of the chaplain part were made. I have always felt that a simple change in wording would make it more inclusive to all. Along with changes to the state FFA I was surprised to hear that juniors are now able to receive their Keystone Degrees.

Overall it was a great night to connect with colleagues and hear updates on the future of our organization. It's safe to say with the work of the agriculture teachers and everyone involved in PAAE agriculture education will be in good hands for years to come. I am proud to be a part of the agricultural education family.


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