Developing a Team
While we started forming long before the first day of student teaching, the majority of events took place during my first few weeks of student teaching. The first few weeks were pretty laid back, all of my students were polite and well behaved, still trying to figure out how to act around me. As the leader in the classroom I set some clear expectations, procedures, and consequences for the weeks ahead. We spent several weeks feeling out the waters as we all got to know each other a little better and worked towards getting settled in for the ride ahead.
As the storming stage blew over we settled into the norming phase. We stayed in the norming phase for several weeks coating along, getting things done. I found several of my strengths as a teacher during this time. I learned more about each one of my students and found ways to incorporate their interests into our daily classroom activities. However, there may have been a time or two that we revisited the storming stage, bouncing back stronger as a team each time.
This past week has been a week of performing. We have continued to develop as a team working towards the common goal of learning. We shared many successes as a team from everyone doing well on their tests and projects, to competing in career development events. We have worked strong as a team and have been taking time to truly focus on what goals we have for ourselves.
It has been exciting to witness each stage of Tuckman's Model. While I have been on many teams before I never took the time to focus on what was truly happening to make the team function. We have just a few weeks left to continue to perform to the best of our ability before reaching the phase of adjuring.
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