Act 2: Quality Acts of Frog Eating

On the journey to becoming an agricultural educator each student is required to complete a 15 week student teaching internship. During those 15 weeks we will work with a cooperating agricultural educator at that school. In order for each individual student and cooperating teacher to have the best experience possible it is important that each of us create a positive connection prior to student teaching. One way Mr. Curt Turner and I are working to establish our working relationship is through reading Juggling Elephants by Jones Loflin and Todd Musig . After a brief intermission, welcome back to the circus. The circus is filled with a whirlwind of events, changing at the drop of a hat, that circus is indeed my life. Just as each circus act performs at the best of their ability for the approval of the attendee, I find myself doing the same. Of course, I may not be standing in the middle of a ring on top of a unicycle, juggling flames, with bright lights, and the...